
  • シャッセパドブレが小さ過ぎる。女性じゃないんだから。
  • ピルエットアンナヴァンの手が小さい
  • グランワルツの手も全般的に小さい。バーのポールドブラで二の腕を伸ばす意識が出来ていないのが駄目
  • アレグロ鏡見ない!
  • ピルエットの4番プリエはあらかじめつま先に体重移動しておこう
  • ザンレールのプリエの5番は立っている時の5番の開きのままで良いはず。無理に開こうとすると体が開いてしまう


One of the members said that he had been to Vancouver until yesterday. He saw Aurora at there. Aurora can bee seen all times of the year. It's good.



After the lesson I stopped at Akiba and bought a new zaurus (SL-C3100). It costed 34800 yen. Recently, WindowsCD machined are popular but I don't feel like these machines because these machine have only a poor console. I'll transfer my environment from SL-C700 to this machine by and by.




Hatune Miku is still very popular in nicovideo. The recent trend is an original song about Hatune Miku. I was so impressed with one of the songs. I pick up two songs which is impressive for me. The former is an original song about Hatsune Miku and the latter is a game music collection of NES sung by Miku.