

  • 笑顔は大事
  • 聞く側もポジティブな反応は大事。例えば相手の目を見る、うなずく、合いの手を入れる、質問やコメントをするということ。逆にネガティブな反応はいけない。例えば目を伏せる、アクションが無い、質問やコメントが無い等
  • ジョークも場を和ませる上で非常に重要
  • 腕を組んだままで話すと聴衆は集中力が欠けてしまう
  • スピーチでは自分のメッセージを述べること、単なる事実の羅列では駄目


I went to a speech circle near to my home. At the circle, several members are selected as a speaker and made a speech. And this circle is held in Japanese or English. Today's meeting was held in English. I was surprised with the strong motivation of each of the members. And there was two members who came as guests including me. We told the impression about the meeting at the end of the meeting. I got tensed up even though only telling about impression.