
  • 中国の若い人達で日本語勉強している人が増えているそうだ。ゲームで日本の歴史に興味を持ったという男性のコメントが載っていた。信長の野望ですか!しかし外国の若い人達が日本に興味を持ってくれるというのは有り難い事だと思う。
  • デザインの記事で昔猟奇殺人を行った事で有名な阿部定の写真があった。凄い美人で驚いた。ところで阿部定事件Wikipediaで確認したのだが、これ、渡辺淳一の「愛の流刑地」のモデルなんじゃないか?

I read several hot topics in newspaper. One is about Chinese studying Japanese. In China, many young people are trying to study Japanese. Why? One of the members said that he played games about Japanese old military commanders and he became interested in Japanese history. Is this game "Nobunaga no Yabou?" Anyway even by game or anymation, I'm glad that many foregn people are interested in Japan. And another is about Abe-Sada who had bizarre murder in the beginning of 20th centry. She killed her lover and cut his sexual organ from his body. And this has been famous until now. In the article, there was a picture of her. And I surprised that she was so cute!