- intrinsic: 備わっている - susceptible: 敏感である - explicit: 明白な - multiplicative: 倍数的な - exploit: 活用する - shakeout: 暴落 - articulation: ろれつ, メリハリ - spurred: せきたてられた, 拍車をつけた - spurious: 偽の, 私生児の - prosecute: 起訴する ...
#!/usr/bin/perl #This is a script for extracting word(s) from word list #[Format of Word List] # English:Japanese # Usage: # ./show_words.pl : Show English words in the list # ./show_words.pl -j : Show Japanese words in the list # ./show_words.pl [entry] : Extract entry from the list # # $SHOW_JP=0; $GREP_WORD = ""; if($ARGV[0] eq "-j"){ $SHOW_JP = 1; }elsif($ARGV[0] ne ""){ $GREP_WORD = $ARGV[0]; } open(FILE,"words.txt"); while(<FILE>){ $line = $_; $line =~ s/^- //g; $line =~ s/^-//g; if($GREP_WORD ne ""){ if($line =~ /$GREP_WORD/){ print $line; } }else{ if($line =~ /(.*)\:(.*)\n/){ if($SHOW_JP == 1){ print "$2\n"; }else{ print "$1\n"; } } } } close(FILE);
I've started making a word list since yesterday. I write the entry by specified format and made a filter script to show only English or Japanese.