DDR Supernova入荷


DDRの腕は鈍ってなかった。普段から運動やってるし、むしろ3年前よりアドリブが効くようになってしまった。激DP(Double Play)難易度8くらいまでなら初見でクリア出来だ。しかし難易度9以上は流石に体力に自信無しなので後でまったり楽しむ予定。

I played DDR Supernova at Shibuya-Kaikan for the first time. It takes only tow or three days since DDR was distributed in game centers in Japan. But no one played this game. (T_T)/
My DDR skill is becoming better from 3-years ago. That is because I'm often dancing now,I think. I could cleared DP(Double Play) mode at difficalty 8 (10 is max). More than difficalty 9 games are too tiring for me now. I'll enjoy them later.
In Kyoto, DDR is playable at Yagi! I used to play "TSURUGI" (Konami's foolish game) when I was an university student. I think Yagi is too small to place DDR. How did they placed it?