

  • CENTERFOLD (130 BPM move it remix) CAPTAIN JACK: まったり系。ノリ良いね!全踏み出来そうなのだが、まだA止まり
  • 華爛漫〜Flowers〜 TЁЯRA: 女性ボーカル系。和風な曲。お盆にはよい感じの雰囲気だと思う。スキップする箇所で交互踏みすると苦しい体勢になるところがなかなか面白い。苦しい体勢のまま凌いでやりたいものだ。
  • ヒマワリ RIYU from BeForU: ぐはっ!油断していたら初見で落ちた。。8分の足踏の滝が続く感じ。繋がると楽しい。メロディも明るい感じやし、しばらくは楽しめそうな曲である。


Today,I played three times too. It it too hard for me to play. My feet bottom was injured so it is to hard to do releve on ballet lesson.
Anyway,I decided to play too mach music and I'll play the three musics. I'll write the details on the following.

  • CENTERFOLD (130 BPM move it remix) CAPTAIN JACK: It is enjoyable and has a good rhythm! I could almost suceed in stepping on all the arrows but I still get A rank for now.
  • Hanaroman - Flowers- TЁЯRA: It's a music of woman's vocal. It is like Japanese taste. It has a good mood to play in Obon festival season. But it is difficalt bacause there are skipping steps in this music and it is hard to skip by alternative foots. But I think it is interesting.
  • Himawari RIYU from BeForU: Oh! I was careless and failed on this music at the first time! There are many eight beat arrows. It is fun to succeeded in stepping continuous arrows. The melody is also fun. So I can enjoy this music for a while.

But I don't want to waste so much energy so I'll play DDR only once a day.