
  • バーの左のアラセゴンドの手が後ろにいってしまっている
  • 左のタンジュの足がうち足
  • ピルエットのプリエの後ろ足はやはりもう少し幅が大きくて正解
  • アティテュードターンは回る前からアティテュードを作っておく


On the way to my home, I stopped to the sportsclub and took a ballet lesson. It take for a long time since I took for the last time but all of the members were fine. It was good. I told an another member about joining a new sportsclub and he said that he doesn't recommend to join if I was aim to take a ballet lesson because the less in the new sportsclub wouldn't be enough for members who have a experience of ballet for years.