
朝にShibuyaの図書館に向かい、書架からラッセルの「結婚論」という本を手にとって眺めてみたところ、世の中女(or オトコ)とカネだよという内容が固い論調で書かれていた。1920年代の本らしいが、それは今も変わらんよな。

In the morning, I went to the library in Shibuya and read the introduction of "Marriage and Morals" by Bertrand Russel. It says the society mainly consists of two parts, one is sex or family, the other is money. The former is studied by Freud and his following researchers, the other studied by Karl Marx and his followers. The opinion can still fit in current societies. The former fit in Japanese mass media society. The other fit the society in the US. However, both of them are not working well.