

単語名 : 日本語訳 : 例文


consolation: 慰め: I couldn't find consolation in them at that time. 
conviction: 確信: He nodded without conviction.
sterile: 無菌の、不妊の: The studio was sterile.
skid: 滑る :My hope was skidding to the bottom as fast as they had streaked to the top
streak: 猛スピードで走る: 
rosin: 松脂: familiar smell of rosin
stunned: 目が回って: My brain was too stunned for any more words.
eloquent: 雄弁な : He's amazing and eloquent call

I started collecting English wods since yesterday night. I adds imprecise words by the same format such as, "[word] : [meaning in Japanese] : [example sentence]". I want to collect English words as many as questions in QMA.