[MISC] 英語

  • 間違った英語は書くなと言う人が時々いるが、その意見には反対だ。だってワシもヘボだが、ワシのヘボ英語でも外人と意志疎通は出来たのだ。それに誰だって初めは出来ないのは自明だろう?初めは出来なくても良いからともかくやってみるのが何事においても進歩への近道だと思う。
  • Sometimes, there are people who say that if you can't speak English, you shouldn't speak English. But I'm against their opinion. I'm also not good at English. But I could communicate with foreign people with my bad English. And everyone cannot speak English at first. I think it is the best way to try anyway if you cannot at that time.