

  1. 美しく青きドナウ
  2. モーツァルト交響曲第40番ト短調
  3. ブラームス交響曲第一番
  4. 白鳥



I set up mail and clock today. Next,I need to set an alarm to wake up earlier. I usually using the alarm on PHS in the morning. I searched the music in PHS and found the music named "SWAN". What is "SWAN"? It it a music in Swan Lake? I heared and noticed that its a music in "The Dying Swan". "The Dying Swan" is also a famous in ballet (in particular Maya Plisetsukaya is the most famous dancer in the Dying Swan).
This music reminds me of the above movie in Youtube. This is the movie in 1907(about 100 years ago!). I can't believe that I'm looking at such an old dance now. It's misterious.