

 ...They reach a level in their development where their own desire
 to grow as a speaker and as a leader has gotten them to a point,
 but they are stuck. They believe that that have gotten as far as
 they want to go and there is no further to go.
 Why is that? What makes people with unlimited potential think
 that they have no farther to go?
 I believe that is because they lack support. Without the support
 of a team, a club, and an organization they can grow only as far
 as their imagination will take them. If they are like many of us,
 I included, they might think they have come to their limit.
 Are you building a supporting environment for your club? 
 Do you have a strong mentorship program?

 Why not?              

I quote some precious tips about the importance of support. Sorry,I don't show the source because of a security reason. I tend to live alone. But it is wrong. I need to change in the future.